Beers | Wine | Spirits
Flavor Camp: American Whiskey Tasting
Suite Genius 225 West 8th Avenue #300, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1N3, VancouverWhether you're already a fan of whisky, or just starting to get curious, Flavor Camp is a fun tasting class for all levels of experience.If you are already a fan of whisky, or curious about how to taste whisky in… Continue Reading
Flavor Camp: Single Malt Tasting
Suite Genius 225 West 8th Avenue #300, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1N3, VancouverWhether you're already a fan of whisk(e)y, or just starting to get curious, Flavor Camp is a fun tasting class for all levels of experience.If you are already a fan of whiskey, or curious about how to taste whiskey in… Continue Reading
Flavor Camp: American Whiskey Tasting
Suite Genius 225 West 8th Avenue #300, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1N3, VancouverWhether you're already a fan of whiskey, or just starting to get curious, Flavor Camp is a fun tasting class for all levels of experience.If you are already a fan of whiskey, or curious about how to taste whiskey in… Continue Reading
Flavor Camp: Single Malt Tasting
Suite Genius 225 West 8th Avenue #300, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1N3, VancouverWhether you're already a fan of whisk(e)y, or just starting to get curious, Flavor Camp is a fun tasting class for all levels of experience.If you are already a fan of whiskey, or curious about how to taste whiskey in… Continue Reading