Latest Past Events
Vancouver Foodster Pizza Challenge (March 5 – March 26)
The Vancouver Foodster 3rd Best Pizza Challenge is running March 3-26, 2017. Check out the participating restaurants all over Vancouver and the Lower Mainland! You taste & vote Keep these things in mind to help you judge your favourite pizzas: originality, creativity,… Continue Reading
Vancouver Foodster Grilled Cheese Challenge (Feb 24 – March 19)
The 2nd Vancouver Foodster Grilled Cheese Challenge starts on February 24. Restaurants from all over the city were invited to enter their Grilled Cheese creations into this challenge. Each restaurant and food truck will be featuring their Grilled Cheese creations on… Continue Reading
Ocean Wise® Chowder Chowdown @ Vancouver Aquarium – SOLD OUT
Vancouver Aquarium 845 Avison Way, VancouverTop chefs are competing for the title of 2016 Ocean Wise Chowder Chowdown Champion: Vancouver. Come taste delicious chowders, paired with local craft beer. Visitors get to vote for their favourite, support of Ocean Wise, the Vancouver Aquarium conservation program for educating… Continue Reading