Latest Past Events

Make GF Steam BAO BUNS stuffed with BBQ Pork (Vegan Option upon request!)

The True Nosh Store 1450 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6H 4H2, Vancouver

It's been a journey testing this recipe and creating a gluten-free version of our beloved bao buns !All ingredients will be included5% in store purchases Ge are a gluten-free space, we will teach non-gluten-free classes offsite. See you in class!

Japanese Canadian Heritage Cooking Classes: Sen Sakamoto—Mochi Treats w/Tea

Tonari Gumi 42 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1M7, Vancouver

Designer and passionate Japanese food enthusiast, Sen will teach 3 iconic mochi (rice) treats for teatime: o-dango, shiratama & gohei mochi.Mixed Mochi Menu For Sen's Saturday Teatime: Sendai style zunda-mochi dango (skewered mochi w/edamame topping)Shiratama mochi (silky rice flour dumpling… Continue Reading