The mystical minds behind The Alice Cocktail Experience and The Wizard’s Den have created another pop-up bar inspired by the iconic childhood classic ‘Peter Pan’. Come and experience the wonder of the Blue Lagoon, climb aboard the Jolly Roger, and hang out at the Lost Boys Hideout. The Neverland-themed pop-up is coming to Vancouver Alpen Club on Victoria Drive in early May. Prepare to leave reality behind and dive into the timeless classic, as like Peter himself, you will never want to leave.
Guests will find themselves in the bedroom of Wendy, John & Michael for a spot of storytelling before being whisked away to the island of Neverland. Follow Peter on an exhilarating journey through the lush jungles and hide from the evil Captain Hook and his bloodthirsty pirates in a land free from grown-up rules. Try your hand at hook toss and archery, as well as walking the famous plank to collect gold coins in order to make the brew of belief to save Tinkerbell! The Tiki Bar is serving up plenty of delicious themed drinks for the occasion including pixie dust shots and Mai Tais.
Tickets for the 90-minute experience cost just $45pp and you’ll be treated to all kinds of magical cocktails (1x welcome drink & 2x bespoke cocktails included with the ticket) sprinkled with faith and a little bit of pixie dust.
More information on the events & tickets via Hidden.